Wednesday, January 31, 2007


The past Sunday was a sad day. Artist Xu Weilun passed away. She was involved in a fatal accident and was in coma for 2 days before passing away on Sunday 28 Jan 2007. All Taiwanese news that day was beaming with the headline 許瑋倫17點09分心跳停止.

To be honest, i am very affected by this news even though i seldom watch the dramas Xu Weilun acted in. Weilun was only 28 and such unfortunate event happened to her. It once again confirms my belief that life is so fragile. One day you can still see her on entertainment news, the next thing you know she is gone, forever.....

To all out there (and to myself)....please DO NOT waste your life cos you do not know when it is going to end. A simple guideline....Just ask yourself, When it ends, are you satisfied enough to leave this world forever??

Sunday, January 21, 2007


遲到了, 對不起....

These lines are from a Movie starring Louis Koo and Rene Liu. The story of this movie came from a novel written by 劉若英. Initially, i wasn't too impressed with the movie as i dun know much about it. However, after looking at the synopsis and comments in the cyber-world, this movie seems to be a really heart-wrenching love story. (to be honest i love this sort of movies). There is also a very lovely song sang by Rene, which is of the same name, to compliment the movie.







Saturday, January 13, 2007

Learnt something today....

Was aimlessly surfing around cyberspace when i crashed into some relationship forum. One said 'dun bother looking for love cos it will come looking for u when u least expected it' Well, true to a certain extent. On the other hand, if one dun look around and stays at home all the time [sounds like me =(( ], what are the chances that a girl will come knocking on his door?? will this turn out im not sure....

Friday, January 12, 2007


The torrential rain that have been hitting Singapore and its neighbouring countries is proving to be a major vulnerability. Its analogous to the loops holes in Windows XP, only in this case a 'patch' looks to be a tough one.

1. Due to the torrential rain, accidents are more frequent. To be honest, it is inevitable because of the treacherous road conditions caused by the rain. In addition, the number of traffic lights malfunctioning is quite significant. This added danger not only to road users but pedestrians as well.

2. Flooding has become a major concern. Many roads are affected by flooding and the authorities have no choice except to close them. This eventually will lead to traffic congestion along ALL the major expressways.

3. Flooding have adverse effects on many businesses. One prime example is the distributors of plants and flowers. Not due to the nature of their business but rather due to their location. Many are situated along low lands and many plants have drowned in the flood waters.

Other businesses will also be affected. I presume that nobody in their right mind will dine at an Al Fresco restaurant to 'enjoy' the rain.

4. Flooding have also occurred in Malaysia. This killed many farms, and as Singapore is so ever reliant on imports, the prices of vegetables have gone up due to the sudden supply shock.

Even though Singapore have started to look into several solutions to address the flood problem, the problem is still coming back. Perhaps some star should not have advertised his concert using the slogan 'RAIN is coming'.....

Testing: The invisible post!!

This is to test that i can blend in the colours of the words into the background. This is mainly for me to add in some interesting notes which can be viewed only by the chosen ones...lox

verdict: successful!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Some Food for thought

School starts again...Sem 1 came and went...before i realised, its Sem 2.
Yesterday heard some thought invoking words..wonder if theres any special meaning in them or am i tinking too much...

nana: wo zai xiang hui bu hui kan dao ni

Friday, January 05, 2007


Recently read an article in the chinese papers using 九份 as the main subject. I went to Taiwan recently and visited the place myself. It is indeed a picturesque town situated on top of a mountain.

九份 became a famous tourist attraction when a movie,悲情城市 or A City of Sadness was made with it as the backdrop. A City of Sadness vividly describes the sentiments one have in Jiu Fen. Due to its geographical location, the weather there is most unpredictable. It could be sunny or cloudy and then before you know it, light drizzle fall from the sky. In fact Jiu Fen is covered in light drizzle most of the time, hence, melancholy is almost synonymous with the city.

陈绮贞 sang a song, 九份的咖啡店, which appropriately describes the place. It is really a wonderful place, i have already made a mental note to visit it again =)

曲名:九份的咖啡店 歌手:陈绮贞

这里的景色像你 变化莫测
这样的午后 我坐在九份的马路边
这里的空气 很新鲜
这里的感觉 很特别
仰望这片天空 遥寄我对你的思念

窗外的星空像你 嬉笑不眠
这样的午夜 我坐在九份的咖啡店
这里的街道 有点改变
这里的人群 喧闹整夜
望着朦胧的海岸线 是否还能回到从前

昨日的单纯 今天的实际
想你 而你也早已不是你

窗外的景色像你 没什么道理
这样的午后 我在忠孝东路的咖啡店
这里的街道 有点危险
这里的人群 面无表情
想问你 也问问自己 是否还会记得从前