The torrential rain that have been hitting Singapore and its neighbouring countries is proving to be a major vulnerability. Its analogous to the loops holes in Windows XP, only in this case a 'patch' looks to be a tough one.
1. Due to the torrential rain, accidents are more frequent. To be honest, it is inevitable because of the treacherous road conditions caused by the rain. In addition, the number of traffic lights malfunctioning is quite significant. This added danger not only to road users but pedestrians as well.
2. Flooding has become a major concern. Many roads are affected by flooding and the authorities have no choice except to close them. This eventually will lead to traffic congestion along ALL the major expressways.
3. Flooding have adverse effects on many businesses. One prime example is the distributors of plants and flowers. Not due to the nature of their business but rather due to their location. Many are situated along low lands and many plants have drowned in the flood waters.
Other businesses will also be affected. I presume that nobody in their right mind will dine at an Al Fresco restaurant to 'enjoy' the rain.
4. Flooding have also occurred in Malaysia. This killed many farms, and as Singapore is so ever reliant on imports, the prices of vegetables have gone up due to the sudden supply shock.
Even though Singapore have started to look into several solutions to address the flood problem, the problem is still coming back. Perhaps some star should not have advertised his concert using the slogan 'RAIN is coming'.....